I wake up around 8:00 am, hearing the birds chirp, the sun being bright as ever. I get out of my soft bed and walk into my kitchen for a cup of Hot Chocolate. I sit at the brown wooden table reading the paper as well. After I am done I go into the living room so I can watch some T.V. My couches are a tan color with black trimming.
After I am done getting ready for the day I walk out my door and all I see is beautiful birds, trees and a beautiful meadow. I’m walking through the meadow looking at what nature has to bring today. Looking at the different flowers I have never seen before. The flowers were purple with some green within the peddles, and a pink outlining on them. There are little animals but you only get a glimpse of them because they are so fast. When you do see them they are mostly rabbits, chipmunks, and birds. It is so beautiful something you would think you would see in a picture. I loved walking through it made me feel free. When I got to the end there was a river which I had to cross if I wanted to get to the other side.
When I found an old boat by the river I took it well in other words borrowed it. I was floating in the water looking at the different fish. Some of the fish had rainbow colors, or just plain brown or silver. The sound if the water made everything feel so peaceful. When I got to the other side I had noticed I was on top of the mountain. I had taken a lunch because I knew I would get hungry. So with my walk on the mountain trying not to fall and get hurt I was looking at the different tracks that some creatures had left they were every fascinating. So I kept walking and I saw something that I have never seen before.
When I got there it looked like a very spiritual place. It also looked very old. I stayed for awhile because I am also a very spiritual person. This place did not look man made, it was made out of stone and even though it was very old the stone looked pretty sturdy. I could feel a good presents when I was there and I had spent most of my day over there. I started to leave because it was getting dark that was the only place that stayed warm and still had a glow to it even in the dark.
On my way back to the cabin it started to get windy on top of the mountain I kept almost losing my balance I fell a couple of time but I didn’t get to hurt, maybe just bruises.
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