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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Assignment #17 Lone Ranger and Tonto

This movie “Smoke Signals” had a really good meaning of friendship. It showed how some people really are and think is best for others. Thomas was a great friend to Victor. He gave him money to help him get to his father and see where his father stayed. Thomas tried to make light of Victors dad’s death. He stayed by his side even though he was mean to Thomas.

Ever since Victor was little he never showed any happy emotions, he always thought you had to look mean so people wouldn’t bother you. He wanted Thomas to be the same way because he was nice to everyone and he thought people would take advantage of that. Thomas never stopped talking he always had a story whether he was telling the truth or not, he made that a mystery. Victor met his father’s neighbor and they were very close. He would ask her if she loved his father and she said “yes, but he was like a dad”. Victors dad really cared about him and wanted to go back home but couldn’t because all of the guilt.

You should never let guilt take over your life because even if you try to run from it it’s always going to be there so you should always tell the truth and say something when you know you have done something wrong. When you let guilt get in the way of your life you’re not only hurting yourself but you’re hurting everyone around you as well. Also if something bad has happened you should always try to fix it, not just run away from it because that is just making matters worse for yourself. If you have done something it shouldn’t matter if people will get mad at you remember people forgive and forget and that could be one less thing you have to worry about.

It might be hard to not take things out on the wrong people but that makes things worse. If you leave like Victors dad left him and his mom then you can miss out on everything. You miss out on people’s lives and when you realize that and want to come back sometimes it’s too late either someone passes away or those people really want nothing to do with you for hurting and leaving them. Sometimes something so little can affect someone in a big way. So always take responsibility for your own actions.

Victor thought of his dad as a really bad person because he used to hit him and his mom, he left them on their own. But Thomas thought of his dad as a great loving person and trying to say Victor should forgive him because everyone makes mistakes. Thomas would tell the same story of when he and Victor’s dad went to Denny’s for breakfast. Thomas would tell stories but no one knew if they were true or not, that’s what he loved about his stories they made you think of things in a different perspective.

You only have one shot at life so you should always live your life to the fullest with no regrets or guilt. Always try and make things right the first time. No one is perfect so you should always forgive and forget. Live life like it’s your last day because tomorrow isn’t always promised.