In this poem when I first read it I thought about not only a rose breaking through concrete. I thought about obstacles in life, but you’re going to have to break through whatever hard times you are going through and any doubts you have. The words concrete rose to me stands for nothing can break you; you need to overcome the things you don’t think you can.
When you do something good some people might not care. That shouldn’t stop you from doing things like dreaming. Those caring would be so nice and even supportive but you can’t always depend on others. You should always depend on yourself and prove to people that you can be successful. They are not the ones who are going to work for what you want.
If you want something real bad then you have to go out and work for it. You should never let anyone bring you down. Show those people that have doubt in you that you never give up. You can always accomplish your dreams if you set your mind to it and stay on the right course. Most important if you want people to believe in you the first thing you have to do is believe in your-self.
This can relate to me in a way because I play basketball and a lot of people believe in me but if I say I got hurt or something is hurting my dad will tell me to quit. I keep playing showing him that I don’t quit I break through those obstacles that come in my way and I try my best. If I fail at something then I keep trying until I get it right. I have really big dreams for myself and I believe that I can accomplish them.
So don’t be scared to dream. Live your life to the fullest and don’t let anything bring you down. You should be afraid of not dreaming or living your life.
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