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Thursday, September 9, 2010


Everything that is going on with the Pastor in Florida wanting to burn 1,000 Korans and the building of the Islamic Mosque in New York is crazy. I think the Pastor in Florida wanting to burn the Korans is wrong for doing this, it’s not only making him seem like a crazy person but he is disrespecting someone's religion. The pastor strongly feels like this is the right thing to do. He thinks that all Islamic people are bad people because of what they did to the twin towers on September 11, 2001. He should have more respect because even though that tragic day a lot of our loved ones died we are in War; our troops are fighting for us. We just got out of the War in IRAQ now he is going to make everything worse by doing this. He doesn’t have any right on doing this. What makes it bad to he is threatening them saying “It’s a message of warning”. He has also stated that “Islam is from the devil”. He might have Freedom of Speech but he is taking this too far and someone needs to know and realize he is crossing the line and something bad is just going to happen because of this.

The building of the mosque I think no one would have a problem with it if they would build it somewhere else. Why does it have to be two blocks from ground zero they should also have more respect for our loved ones. Even though those particular people didn’t do it, it still reflects on them what had happened. I think if they go through with this and build the mosque it is going to bring a lot of conflict once again. I know they already bought the land but I think they should have thought about what kind of anger they were going to bring.

Out of these two events no one has really said anything about protecting the Islam’s. Everyone is saying how it is going to hurt our Nation and going to put the U.S in danger. Not very many people are saying its wrong they are just saying how it is going to hurt us. The Islam’s are people just like us were different but not by much they have feelings and emotions just like everyone else but there are some boundaries everyone should know when not to cross. The Pastor for example Is crossing the line because he is interfering with someone else’s religion. Everything that is going on is dangerous it is not only going to affect the people that are involved but it’s going to affect everybody.