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Monday, November 15, 2010

assignment #16 The journey

I wake up around 8:00 am, hearing the birds chirp, the sun being bright as ever. I get out of my soft bed and walk into my kitchen for a cup of Hot Chocolate. I sit at the brown wooden table reading the paper as well. After I am done I go into the living room so I can watch some T.V. My couches are a tan color with black trimming.

After I am done getting ready for the day I walk out my door and all I see is beautiful birds, trees and a beautiful meadow. I’m walking through the meadow looking at what nature has to bring today. Looking at the different flowers I have never seen before. The flowers were purple with some green within the peddles, and a pink outlining on them. There are little animals but you only get a glimpse of them because they are so fast. When you do see them they are mostly rabbits, chipmunks, and birds. It is so beautiful something you would think you would see in a picture. I loved walking through it made me feel free. When I got to the end there was a river which I had to cross if I wanted to get to the other side.

When I found an old boat by the river I took it well in other words borrowed it. I was floating in the water looking at the different fish. Some of the fish had rainbow colors, or just plain brown or silver. The sound if the water made everything feel so peaceful. When I got to the other side I had noticed I was on top of the mountain. I had taken a lunch because I knew I would get hungry. So with my walk on the mountain trying not to fall and get hurt I was looking at the different tracks that some creatures had left they were every fascinating. So I kept walking and I saw something that I have never seen before.

When I got there it looked like a very spiritual place. It also looked very old. I stayed for awhile because I am also a very spiritual person. This place did not look man made, it was made out of stone and even though it was very old the stone looked pretty sturdy. I could feel a good presents when I was there and I had spent most of my day over there. I started to leave because it was getting dark that was the only place that stayed warm and still had a glow to it even in the dark.

On my way back to the cabin it started to get windy on top of the mountain I kept almost losing my balance I fell a couple of time but I didn’t get to hurt, maybe just bruises.

Assignment #15 Multiple Intelligence

There was a family who was not rich but was very poor. Their house was falling apart and they didn’t have much just each other. They would try and grow their own vegetables so they can at least have some stew to eat. They never let things put them down; they always tried to live like to the fullest. They always appreciated everything. Then one day the little boy that lived in the house with his family saw something glowing down the street so he decided to walk down there to check out what it was. Then he went to the house were the light was coming from and he looked in it because he was curious. What he had seen a table full of food and he thought it was a great house. While he was standing there everything felt right. So he had ran home and told his mother, so he took her down to the house and she had seen the same thing. But in reality that house was in no better condition than theirs. I guess its true someone else’s junk is someone else’s treasure.

I think everyone should appreciate what they have and we all should help each other out because it would make the world a better place.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Assignment #14

If I called the principle to share my thoughts about having school uniforms I would tell her that it’s not a good idea. It’s not a good idea because we are old enough to wear what we want, it shows our personality, doesn’t mean we’re going to be successful, and could get expensive.

I think that the people here are old enough to wear what we want and still be appropriate about it. I think almost everyone has worn uniforms in elementary and middle school. If they can let us wear what we want in elementary they why not now that we are older? If the teachers and staff can wear what they like but still fallow dress code, then why shouldn’t we be able to as well? I think that if this High School made the students wear uniforms the students aren’t going to like it so they will change schools. It may make the school’s population go lower.

When we wear what we want, our clothes show some sort of our personality. Everyone is different and like different things. By making us, students wear uniforms it’s making us the same which we are not. People have different interests than others. When we get to wear what we want it gives us a bigger selection to show people what we like. For example if I like a certain pair of blue pants I’m not going to wear black ones when I hate black pants. In my opinion I want to wear something wear I’m going to be comfortable but classy and professional at the same time, I’m going to wear something that I like but it is within the dress code as well.

Not every family can afford to be buying uniforms. They might not be able to buy them because they also have to buy other sets of clothes for the weekend or for special occasions. They can’t really do that if they have to buy their child uniforms every year just to wear to school. Some parents might like the uniforms but they aren’t the ones who are going to be wearing them. I think it would be harder for some single parents because they have one income and supporting their children. They have bills like everyone else, they have to buy food like everyone else, but they don’t have the help of someone else like others do. Yea at some work places have a dress code, but it’s better to follow a dress code then it is to wear uniforms.

By uniforms it’s not going to make us anymore successful. It has nothing to do with us doing our work, and uniforms are not going to get us into collage. What is going to make us successful is ourselves we have to want it; we have to want to be successful. It doesn’t matter what we wear but it shows a little about who we are without saying anything. They shouldn’t really be worrying about what everyone is wearing, that isn’t what we come to school for. We come to school to get an education and be successful in life. There are other things they should worry about like for example not every subject or courses have books so people can take them home and study better. That just puts others behind and makes it harder for the teachers to teach.

I think if everyone wears clothes within the dress code everything should be fine because it is nice and it’s what they like but at the same time it is appropriate. Here at our school we are not allowed to wear and “Dickeys” brand clothing but if they want us to wear uniform that type other clothing is considered to be in the uniform dress code and is very popular. If other schools get to wear them then why can’t we? They say that it is gang related but it’s a brand of clothes. Some people see uniforms as “sexy” and that can also be used inappropriate. They have the uniform skirts which some girls like because they know it is going to get the guys attention. I don’t see how having uniforms is any better than letting us students wear what we like with following the dress code. Some people may think that doing this will make everyone equal; well everyone should be equal no matter what. It shouldn’t matter what we are wearing or what race all that matters is everyone is human no one should be treated different for what they are wearing. So I think that making students wear uniforms is a bad idea and I don’t think people will like it very much.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Assignment #13

Odd things happening. Scary faces walking by. Spirits give me chills.

Dark night, black as death. Leafs cracking at each foot step. A full moon tonight.

Assignment #11

In this poem when I first read it I thought about not only a rose breaking through concrete. I thought about obstacles in life, but you’re going to have to break through whatever hard times you are going through and any doubts you have. The words concrete rose to me stands for nothing can break you; you need to overcome the things you don’t think you can.

When you do something good some people might not care. That shouldn’t stop you from doing things like dreaming. Those caring would be so nice and even supportive but you can’t always depend on others. You should always depend on yourself and prove to people that you can be successful. They are not the ones who are going to work for what you want.

If you want something real bad then you have to go out and work for it. You should never let anyone bring you down. Show those people that have doubt in you that you never give up. You can always accomplish your dreams if you set your mind to it and stay on the right course. Most important if you want people to believe in you the first thing you have to do is believe in your-self.

This can relate to me in a way because I play basketball and a lot of people believe in me but if I say I got hurt or something is hurting my dad will tell me to quit. I keep playing showing him that I don’t quit I break through those obstacles that come in my way and I try my best. If I fail at something then I keep trying until I get it right. I have really big dreams for myself and I believe that I can accomplish them.

So don’t be scared to dream. Live your life to the fullest and don’t let anything bring you down. You should be afraid of not dreaming or living your life.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Assignment #8

The book “The Necklace” is about more than a necklace it’s about honesty. This women and her husband didn’t have much money. She expected her life to be different than what it is. She imagined her life with more glamour and better meals than what they have been eating. What she loved is jewelry and clothes but she had none of that, she had nothing at all.

She has a friend but was jealous of her because she had everything she didn’t like going to her house because she was so miserable every time she would go back home. Her husband got her an invitation to go somewhere really nice where she would meet really rich people and he wanted to do something sweet for her. She did not have the reaction he thought she would have she was mad because she had nothing to wear. He gave her the idea that she should ask her friend to borrow some jewelry of some sort.

Her friend had lent her a diamond necklace. She was so happy because she was going to look nice. When she went to the party everything went great she met a lot of people she was so happy and everything went just perfect. After the party they got a cab home, the wife was looking at herself in the mirror and noticed she no longer had the necklace around her neck. Her and her husband look everywhere and could not find it.

Her husband told her to write her friend saying they were getting it mended so it could give them time to look for her necklace. Time had gone by and they started to lose hope they thought they were never going to find it. They went to a lot of diamond stores trying to replace the first diamond necklace. They borrowed money and got the new necklace. Finally as time went by the friend had noticed something was different about her friend then that is when she told her the truth about the necklace and what had happened. They bought the new necklace for thirty-six thousand francs, but her friend said hers’ was an imitation and was only five hundred francs.

The moral of his story is always being truthful no matter what the consequences are. It’s better to admit something then to live your life so miserable things aren’t always going to be bad like you think they are so always tell the truth.