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Friday, May 7, 2010

Extra Credit!!

Human cruelty has to stop, look what you’re showing your children. Were not all that different from each other, so why hurt one another? It’s like some people get joy from seeing people suffer I don’t think that’s right. What if you’re hurting someone say for no reason and your laughing about because you like seeing that person hurting, you should think what if that was you I don’t think you would like it so why do it to someone else?

When you do things like hurting other people then it's just making you look bad. Some people think hurting each other will prove a point but what point are you trying to make? Nothing good comes out of cruelty. People think by hurting someone it’s for a reason or they deserved it but in reality no one really deserves it just move on be the bigger person about it.

Yeah people kill in war and maybe people think well “what is the difference between killing in war and killing just to”? Well the difference is in war they have a purpose they aren’t killing or being cruel to other people because they are having a bad day they are killing and fighting for their country. They know they have to do it because they are trying to save their country they do it because they have to and they are hero’s.

I think cruelty needs to stop because really you’re hurting yourself and everyone around you. In reality you’re hurting yourself because you can live the rest of your life behind bar or die with the life sentence. I think there is no point in cruelty it needs to stop were not all so different were all human beings, we all have families and feelings.. There is also a saying treat someone the way you want to be treated.